Homeless Services

Continuum of Care (CoC) Program

Since 1998 the County of Orange has coordinated a comprehensive regional Continuum of Care (CoC) strategy that includes the participation of all thirty-four cities in Orange County, County Agencies, the County’s homeless housing and service providers, and other community groups (including non-profits, local governmental agencies, faith-based organizations, the homeless and formerly homeless, interested business leaders, schools, and many other stakeholders) to identify the gaps and unmet needs of the County’s homeless.

Point in Time Count and Survey

In addition to organizing, delivering and reporting on housing and services for people who are experiencing homelessness, CoCs are required to complete a Point-In-Time (PIT) count of unsheltered homeless at least once every two years & sheltered annually during the last ten days in January. Data from the one-night PIT count and the longitudinal data collected by the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) are the primary sources used to measure the progress in meeting the national strategic goal of preventing and ending homelessness.

Shelter Programs

The County contracts to operate shelter programs in the County.

  • Bridges at Kraemer Place
  • Cold Weather Shelter - Santa Ana
  • Yale Navigation Center

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