Our OC Health Care Agency provides medical services to children at the Family Health Children's Health Clinic in Santa Ana. Physical exams and immunizations are available at no cost to eligible Medi-Cal and uninsured infants, children, and adolescents through 18 years of age.
We are located at:
1725 W. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA 92706 map
Appointments: Call 1-800-914-4887 for an appointment and for more information.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Closed 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
(Closed Weekends and Holidays)
What the Clinic offers:
- Well-Child Physical Exams
- Periodic well-child exams through the CHDP Program, including exams for school enrollment, sports participation and camp
- Exams include immunizations and screenings for vision, hearing and development
- Child must be under age 19 years old and meet income guidelines, and not have insurance coverage for well-child care (There is no charge for the exam)
- Immunizations (Vaccines)
- Immunizations are available at low cost according to the recommended immunization schedule for age for those who do not have insurance
- Vaccines for Travelers are available for a fee
- Sick Child Care (for minor illnesses)
- Limited evaluation and treatment (which may include a prescription for medication) is available for children
- Dental Health
- Adult Emergency Dental Clinic
- Children’s Dental Clinic
- Other Services for Children
- Fluoride varnish
- Referrals for other service
- View Flyer in English, Spanish and Vietnamese
To save you time when you get to the clinic, please print, complete, and bring these forms with you.
English Farsi Korean Spanish Vietnamese
Para ahorrar tiempo en la clinica, favor de imprimir, completer, y traer estas hojas con usted.