Serving: Orange County schools
Facility: County Contracted – Phoenix House
Region: Orange County
Program Administration Address: 1207 E Fruit St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Phone: (800) 251-0921
Web Address: www.phoenixhouse.org/
Program Description: School Based Behavioral Health Intervention and Support provides services and curriculum for students and their families for the purpose of preventing and/or interrupting the onset or progression of behavioral health conditions, negative social behaviors, and emotional distress in youth exhibiting early signs of problem behaviors. Services will be delivered to elementary, middle and high schools in school districts that have the highest indicators of behavioral issues, including dropout rates, expulsion, and suspensions. Curriculum will be implemented at the classroom level for all students to explore a positive approach to the school environment. More intensive curriculum will be implemented for students and families based on assessed need.
Eligibility: Orange County school sites
Language(s): English
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Friday