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Discharge/Transfer of Hospitalized TB Patients

Hospitalized Suspect or Confirmed TB Patient Transfer and Discharge Plan Approval Request Instructions

(A) California Health and Safety Code

California Code of Regulation, Title 17, Section 2500: state regulations “require health care providers to report tuberculosis (TB) to the local health officer (of the jurisdiction where the patient resides) within 1 working day of identification of the case or suspected case. This requirement extends to every provider knowing of or in attendance on a case or suspected case.”

“The initial disease notification report shall include an individual treatment plan that includes the patient’s name, address/phone number, DOB, TST results, pertinent radiologic, microbiologic and pathologic reports. Subsequent reports shall provide updated clinical status and laboratory results, assessment of treatment adherence.”

Health and Safety Code, Section 121361, requires that “Health Care Facility shall discharge or transfer a person known or suspected to have active TB disease only after notification and a written treatment plan is received and approval by the local health officer.” And “the approval requirement shall not apply to any transfer to a general acute care hospital when the transfer is due to an immediate need for a higher level of care.”

(B) Orange County Public Health (OCPH)

To facilitate a timely and appropriate discharge, the health care provider must submit a complete Hospitalized TB patient Transfer and Discharge Plan Approval Request form to Hospital Liaison in Orange County Public Health TB Control 1 to 2 days prior to date of anticipated discharge at the fax # 714-834-7956 (NOTE: call OCPH Hospital Liaison 714-834-8033 prior to faxing documents).

(C) Orange County TB Control Response Plan

OCPH TB Controller and Hospital Liaison will review the discharge plan and notify the health care provider within 24 hours of approval or inform the health care provider of any additional information/action required or needed for approval prior to discharge. Week-end and Holiday discharge: All arrangements for discharge should be made in advance when weekend discharge anticipated. OCPH TB Control will make an exception to approve for week-end or Holiday discharge if discharge criteria are met.

Description Click icon to view file
Hospital Discharge Approval Form
County of Orange, Health Care Agency, Public Health