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SB Violence Prevention Education (SBVPE) & Gang Prevention Services

SB Violence Prevention Education (SBVPE)

The Violence Prevention Education (VPE) program aims to reduce violence and/or its impact in schools, local neighborhoods and/or families. The target audience for the program includes students, parents and school staff at participating elementary, middle and high schools throughout Orange County, as well as other community sites such as domestic violence shelters.

Gang Prevention Services

Gang Prevention Services (GPS) is a school-based collaboration with the Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership (GRIP) operated by the Orange County District Attorney’s (OCDA) Office in conjunction with the OC Probation Department, local police departments and school staff. It provides case management to 4th through 8th grade youth who display signs of being at risk for gang activity which, in turn, places them at an increased risk of violence and of developing mental health conditions, particularly those that are trauma-related. The OCDA Office and the OC Probation Department select schools to participate in the program based on high rates of truancy, discipline issues and gang proximity. The program focuses on being inclusive of all high-risk youth in the identified schools, regardless of their familial affiliations to gang activity or behavior. 

SB Violence Prevention Education (SBVPE)

The Violence Prevention Education program’s goal is to reduce violence and its impact in schools, local neighborhoods and families. The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) provides Violence Prevention Education in schools across Orange County in collaboration with a variety of community partners. Services are outreached to all districts within Orange County to ensure that services are available to all school sites that are interested in Violence Prevention Education. There are five programs under the Violence Prevention Education component: Safe from the Start, Crisis Response Network, Bullying and Media Literacy.