What is syndromic surveillance?
As defined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, syndromic surveillance provides public health officials with a timely system for detecting, understanding, and monitoring health events. By tracking symptoms of patients in emergency departments—before a diagnosis is confirmed—public health can detect unusual levels of illness to determine whether a response is warranted.
Electronic health data are collected and integrated through a shared platform—the BioSense Platform. The public health community uses analytic tools on the platform to analyze data received as early as 24 hours after a patient’s visit to a participating facility. Public health officials use these timely and actionable data to detect, characterize, monitor, and respond to events of public health concern.
As of June 13, 2023, OCHCA is able to accept syndromic surveillance data reporting from eligible facilities. If your facility is ready to enroll in OCSSP, please complete the registration form and an epidemiologist will follow-up with next steps. Any additional questions can be sent to syndromic@ochca.com.