Financial Services provides budget, administrative and programmatic support to HCA in accordance with Financial Services roles/responsibilities and requirements established by the County Executive Office – Budget department and Auditor-Controller. This division is responsible for:
- Preparation of HCA’s Strategic Financial Plan
- Fiscal development, monitoring and forecasting for 40 general fund budget units within HCA
- Fiscal development, monitoring and forecasting for seven non-general fund revenues – these funds are restricted for specific purposes and required to be kept and accounted for separately from the general fund
- Coordination of fee and rate schedules to ensure HCA recovers appropriate revenue for associated costs
- Completion of financial projects for the Director’s Office
- Agency coordination of the fiscal year-end process
Financial Support
Financial Support staff facilitate and coordinate Agency-wide projects and processes, including:
- Preparing Agency-wide rollups of requested budgets, monthly projections, financial plans, and history reports with executive summaries and analytical tools
- Interfacing with CEO/Budgets and Auditor-Controller staff on technical aspects of the budget
- Managing budgeted position control
- Managing coding setup, updates and corrections
- Processing Educational and Professional Reimbursement Program claims
- Coordinating the Agency’s Volunteer Services
- Coordinating updated fee and rate studies for HCA
- Supporting the Children and Families Commission of Orange County (CFCOC, also known as Prop 10 Commission) by working with the Commission and community grantee agencies to enable leveraging of Prop 10 funds to earn Federal reimbursement revenues for providing Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) and Targeted Case Management (TCM)
- Distributing Agency Administration and Service Area Administration costs to HCA divisions.
Program Support
Program Support staff responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Preparing and developing budgets
- Monitoring, projecting and reporting expenditures and revenues
- Reviewing grant allocation budgets, claims, fee studies and/or cost reports
- Analyzing various financial reports, projects, and/or special assignments and making recommendations
- Working with program staff to maximize revenues and ensure expenditures are appropriate and within budget
- Reviewing, analyzing and approving or rejecting purchasing requisitions and other expenditure requests
- Reviewing, approving, and submitting documentation and on-line actions to recruit and fill vacant positions
- Reviewing and providing financial data and language for Agenda Staff Reports
- Managing special projects which involve financial analysis
Revenue Unit
Revenue Unit staff take the lead in developing, monitoring and updating fee and rate studies for HCA. This includes preparing and processing fee study reports, Notices of Public Hearing and Agenda Staff Reports. The Revenue Unit also supports the CFCOC by working with the Commission and community grantee agencies to enable leveraging of Prop 10 funds to earn Federal reimbursement revenues for providing Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) and Targeted Case Management (TCM).